A LOYALIST website is using horrific pictures of IRA bomb victims to shock Americans into donating money.The site is targeting the wealthy Jewish community in the States and compares the murder of Protestants with Hitler's holocaust.
The website has been set up by the Ulster Protestant Movement for Justice, which is believed to be an umbrella organisation representing the shadowy Orange Volunteers and factions of the Loyalist Volunteer Force. Visitors to the site are greeted with gruesome footage from the Enniskillen bombing, the Kingsmill massacre and countless pictures of mutilated corpses. Murdered Portadown loyalist Billy Wright also features prominently. The late LVF leader is brought back to life to urge Americans to dig deep for the "fight against republicans."
The site is also littered with Biblical quotations and the organisation draws comparisons between the IRA and Hitler in the bid to gain financial support from wealthy Jews. They maintain they will use the financial backing to exclude Sinn Féin from Government - but the fear is that the money will be used to increase their arsenal of weapons. A spokesman for the organisation said yesterday: "We are doing nothing illegal, simply trying to win over the Jewish community to use their influence within the White House to put pressure on Tony Blair to exclude Sinn Féin from government.
The IRA are responsible for countless deaths in Northern Ireland and, as such, there is no place for these individuals in government." He added: "When we speak to our Jewish supporters about IRA ethnic cleansing along the border and other areas, they can relate to us. They know what it is like to be persecuted. "We view the support from our Jewish friends as necessary to maintaining our British-Ulster identity. We believe that Ulster no longer stands at the cross-roads. We are on the Dublin Road as long as Sinn Féin remains in Government."