Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Ulster patriot Johnny "Mad Dog" Adair

The former terror chief has become increasingly paranoid and has experienced depression since he was put back behind bars in January after provoking a feud with rival “brigadiers” inside the UDA.Most of his old allies fled in February and are now living in Bolton and Manchester.
Adair’s life is considered to be in such danger that he is kept in isolation in “D” wing of Mourne House, the women’s accommodation block.

Adair once boasted about having a homosexual affair with one of his UDA colleagues. Until recently his best friend was Sam “Skelly” McCrory, an openly gay bingo addict who now lives in Scotland.

Adair had an unrivalled talent for motivating his men, planning operations and out-thinking the security forces.
Up to 40 suspected republicans and innocent Catholics were killed by C Company in the early 1990s, when Adair turned it into the UDA’s most feared killing machine. Many observers believe that his reign of terror accelerated moves towards the IRA’s 1994 ceasefire.

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