Monday, 8 September 2008

White Nationalist Loyalists

Supporters of Ulster Loyalism, within the White Nationalist Movement , would have you believe that the Loyalist terrorist groupings are saving the White race from Irish Republicans. They would also have you think that these same Loyalist killers and criminals are fine upstanding members of society and everything they do is directed to the preservation of the White race. This could not be further from the truth and will be shown for the lie that it is in this article . These are not the honour bound men of the Bruder Schweigen . They are the whores of British Zionism and are more akin to the Jewish killers of Irgun or the Sterngang.

The true Republican movement does not portray itself as anything other than Republican. Their sole aim is for the withdrawal of British crown forces of imperial occupation and Zionist oppression from the six counties of Ulster . The cause of Irish Republicanism is not Marxist, Communist or National Socialist . In fact anyone who claims to be a National Socialist or a Fascist could not truly support the partition of Ireland if they were true to their political view . It is the right of the Irish people to rule our land and our soil . Just because a loyalist will use the words “ red ” or “ commie ” to describe an Irish Nationalist does not make it so , you can‘t make a point by just using sound bites from bigoted Unionist spin doctors , neither does it make the loyalist a “ nazi ”. Loyalists will use any language necessary to get support from anyone who is willing to listen .The UDA’s teachings and views are Socialist / Marxist and have been from its foundation . You have to ask yourself , for example , why did Ulster Loyalists/Unionists show support for the Communist Serbian forces in their goal of ethnic cleansing of the Croatian people when White nationalists world wide supported the Croatian nationalists ? ( see article “ For My Homeland I Am Ready “ )

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